Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Сauses of wrinkles


Any woman age problem is wrinkles.

After seeing the first wrinkles, every woman begins to realize that youth left behind.

Cosmetology known occasions when wrinkles appear early. These facial wrinkles known as they are formed from the reduction of the facial muscles.

Laughter, strife, anger. People who keep their face in an extremely mobile condition, develop really wrinkled wrinkles on your face.

If you decide to take up the fight against wrinkles, in this case, you need first of all to see a doctor, beautician, who on all the issues you will advise and suggest the funds that fit best for your skin. At present there are just a huge variety of cosmetic products, which can help get rid of wrinkles and restore skin other than the previous form.

Wrinkles, by nature, are furrows and folds in the skin. They are formed on the arms, face, neck, as well as on any other skin areas. Wrinkles are formed due to damage or breaks the connection of elastic fibers of collagen and elastin. These fibers are essential in the human skin.

Also, except for this kind of wrinkles, there is the age. They appear because the skin is starting to get old. It loses its elasticity over time, is no longer wet, leading to dryness, and the disruption of metabolism. All these factors lead to the fact that the outer layers of the skin begin to change, and because of that begin to form wrinkles.

If you have dry skin, and you are caring for it properly, it can also lead to the fact that you will quickly appear wrinkles. In this case, to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, is less likely to wash their face with soap and no doubt carefully selected for color cosmetics and skin whitening cream.

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