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Sunday, September 9, 2012

What if the condom breaks?

Condoms Condom is one of the most reliable ways to avoid early pregnancy, as well as to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, but in reality no one is safe from that condoms can break at the most inopportune moment. At such a time, especially young couples, begins uncontrollable panic. But the most important thing is that once the condom broke, then do not panic, most importantly to pull yourself together and calmly deal with the problem.

Risk assessment of conception.
How to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
How to protect yourself from STDs.
How to avoid a gap in the condom.

Risk assessment of conception after condom breaking.

The first thing to do - is to determine the time when the condom broke, to assess the possible risks of conception. If you have noticed a gap in the condom after the occurrence of ejaculation, then the risk of unwanted pregnancy is very high. And if you find a gap in the condom before ejaculation, the risk of getting pregnant is very low, but is yet to take into account that during sex is allocated a number of seminal fluid, which can lead to conception.

Another point, which can also be taken into account - this is a condom with spermicidal lubricant. Spermicidal lubricant can kill sperm, which naturally reduces the risk of pregnancy after a condom broke. But on the more efficient yet not count.

One of the highlights is the day in which the sex. During the menstrual cycle, there are "safe days", during which the chances of pregnancy tend to zero. Another is called the calendar method. Use this method as a method of contraception is not recommended, but to assess risk of unwanted pregnancy, when the condom breaks, you can use it. According to the calendar method is that the most "safe days" (the probability of conception is minimal) - is 5 days before your period and 5 days after.

What should you do if the condom broke, to avoid pregnancy.

Once you evaluate all the possibilities of pregnancy, and must take the necessary measures to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

The first thing to note - is that douching (washing the vaginal walls with special chemical. Solutions) does not give good results of protection against pregnancy. She simply could not make it in time to perform the procedure, so do not use irrigation, as post-coital contraception.

And so, what can really help when the condom broke.

Postinor. Hormonal contraceptive last generation, which is very harmful to women. Effectiveness depends on the time you take the pill. Europe has long been banned, but Russia remains the most common drug for emergency contraception, although it was a long time there is almost harmless counterparts. You should not take more than 2 times a year, especially for girls under 18.

Mifegin (Mifepristone). The drug, which is employed to medication (without surgery) termination of pregnancy up to 49 days. Also used as a postcoital contraceptive after unprotected sexual intercourse. Use of the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor - a gynecologist.

Eskapel (Escapelle). The drug is effective for emergency contraception within 96 of unprotected sexual intercourse. The earlier the pill is adopted, the more effective will be its effect.

Ginepriston or Agest. Modern postcoital contraceptive. Compared with other drugs, especially with Postinor, less harmful to women's health. Unlike other means of emergency contraception does not contain hormonal components, and acts preferentially on receptors in the uterus and ovaries. Effective within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.

I want to add that if you have sex with condom breakage occurred, it is not worth doing syringing, and also immediately run to the drugstore. In any case, we first need to see a gynecologist, the doctor is able to effectively and correctly to help you solve problems
How not to get infected with an STD at break condoms.

After the "failure" of condom also exists the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. More dangerous sex with strangers or unfamiliar person. To diseases STDs include various sexually transmitted diseases and infections (genital herpes, chlamydia, HIV - infection).

So, what to do immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse:

First - you need to go to the toilet and urinate profusely to wash most of the bacteria. Next, clean the hands and genitals with soap and water, women also need to perform irrigation (use water with an antiseptic, such as potassium permanganate). Be sure to treat genital antiseptic agent, such as betadine or miramistin, but not later than 2 hours after intercourse. A man should treat the penis, penis, scrotum, pubis and inner thighs. Women must first enter the vagina candle betadine, and external genitals, pubic area and inner thighs treated betadine solution. After these procedures do not forget to consult a doctor. Should not themselves assign different antibiotics and other drugs. In any case, you will need to seek help from a doctor - dermatologist, as well as pass all the necessary tests.

A few tips on how to avoid condom breakage.

Do not buy condoms in a dubious sources, as well as looking at the expiration date.

Do not use two condoms. (Between them is friction and increases the risk of rupture).

Follow the instructions on the packaging of condoms.

Use grease only water or silicone based.

Why is allergic to flowers spread

When allergic to flowers come? The human body can often fix the excess of any substance. Statistics disappointing: over 40% of people inhabiting the planet suffer from allergies - not just the flowers.

Flowers and Your Allergies

Each of us has ever met a person who can not stand down, or simply begins to sneeze on a summer day. A change of scene - say, she left for a business trip - he suddenly "recover."

It is believed that the disease is hereditary. The body is very sensitive to any substance. Twig allergy can be considered relatively safe, although it is insidious. What is the danger?
Allergies to foods;
Of drugs;
To dust mites


How do you know you have allergies? This is not only breathing problems. With such allergies appear redness. Even mucosa undergoes complex rashes. This skin dermatoses. He also accompanied by nausea, fever, diarrhea in children manifest. By pollen hay fever occurs - it is the very condition of the throat, sneezing, etc. Barking cough is a sign of bronchospasm. Characterized by dyspnea, up to an asthmatic attack. There are more serious symptoms - such as pulmonary edema.

How to treat different types of allergies? The first thing to get rid of the allergen. We need to remove not only flowers, but also things that could peel off their pollen. Often recommend specific immunotherapy - in this case, the causative allergen repeatedly injected into the body. There and medications - drugs administered to the patient suffered from fewer symptoms. Allergic to flowers so characterized.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How smoking affects the fetus of pregnant

Everyone knows that the mother, fetus and placenta - a single organism, as a result, pregnant women smoking has a negative impact in the form of various disorders developing during pregnancy and abnormalities in the fetus.

If smoking an ordinary person - this is only a bad habit, smoking pregnant women - it is a habit that kills nascent life. Smoking pregnant baby leaves absolutely no choice - from the harm caused by the mother will not protect even the placenta. After the embryo goes through all the mother's blood, hence the concentration of harmful substances in the clear body of the child is not less than that of the mother.

Smoking pregnant systematically denies full access of oxygen to organs of the child. And since the most sensitive to this his reproductive system was born, he was doomed to experience problems in their own reproductive system. Moreover, the most affected boys.

Extent of the problems do not depend on the number of cigarettes smoked a woman.

As a result of smoking during pregnancy: risk of placental abruption is 65 percent compared to non-smoking women, increases the frequency of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, increasing the percentage of low birth-weight children with a high probability of low birth weight infant at birth. In addition, newborns reduced adaptive capacity, increasing the risk of disease and the development of birth defects; worsens their physical and mental development.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Briefly about acupuncture

Many have heard of the ancient Chinese medicine, as well as its remarkable therapeutic results, however, few people know that, for example, acupuncture is today considered one of the most effective treatments for the many hidden and even pathological diseases. In view of such possibilities of acupuncture, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the medical procedure is gaining popularity at a frantic pace and is accessible to millions of interested around the world, with almost no restrictions on age. There are entire medical centers and health centers that specialize solely on this form of treatment and prevention, and they had no shortage of patients. So is this a clever medicine and you need to know about it to us, ordinary common people who want to try it out for yourself the miraculous power? This was short and to discuss in this article.

Omniscient-Chinese healers claim that the human body is more than a thousand points, which are biologically active and are responsible for many functions in the body. If absolutely accurately know where these points are the most and still know how to influence them, it is easily possible to control many internal processes, running them or suspending, as well as killing the germ hotbeds of many serious diseases. Acupuncture is especially useful for all kinds of pain, such as headaches and teeth, as well as dorsal, lumbar, joint and menstrual. In addition, acupuncture is used to reduce the pain sensation in colitis, arthritis and polyarthritis. Just give in acupuncture treatment of various kinds depending on alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, overeating and others. And the help of this ancient medicine resort in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, all kinds of eye diseases (cataract, myopia, inflammation of the mucous membrane), as well as in diseases of the oral cavity. But this list of diseases treatable by acupuncture, not the end, as well as acupuncture before retreating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sciatica, various inflammations of the respiratory, digestive dysfunction, all kinds of neuralgia - and many, many other misfortunes.

However, it is understood that acupuncture - this is not a panacea for all ills, and it can give its best results only in conjunction with medication therapy, all kinds of physical therapy and massage therapy techniques. True, and there are many cases in medical practice, the patient completely recovered from the disease by the use of only one acupuncture. In general, of course, such treatment can not be limited to one session of acupuncture. Usually assigned a course of procedures, the number of which can be up to twenty or more. The required number of sessions, their sequence and frequency set by the attending acupuncturist, because only he can know exactly how intensive treatment to his patient.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nymphomania - hypersexuality in women.

Nymphs of the woman who like a "hurricane" in bed and are always ready to give sexual desires, dreams almost every man in the world. But few men think about the fact that this uncontrolled activity of sex is called nymphomania disease. Nymphomania - a form of hypersexuality in women. Nymphomaniac - a woman suffering from an increased sex drive. According to the statistics of 2500 women found one female nymphomaniac. In men, there is a related disease associated with an increased sex drive - satiriazis.

Nymphomaniac - women who are exposed to the strong sexual desire, as well as in women with hypersexuality increased ability to obtain orgasm. There are cases where a woman can get 20 orgasms in one night, can also increase and duration of orgasm to 1 hour or more. Such women are relentless pursuit of new and new sexual contacts, and often it is not the purpose of orgasm as the sexual contact. Therefore nymphomaniac very often, do not get satisfaction from one partner change their sexual partners. Whatever the disease seems simple, but actually nymphomania - is a serious disease, which affects everything. Previously, women increased sexual attraction to investigators such diseases as rabies uterus. But at present, rabies uterus - is obsolete in medicine diagnosis, because there is a more accurate classification of diseases.
Causes of hypersexuality in women.

1. Very often the cause of increased sex drive in women is a psychological disease (hysteria with gipertimicheskimi symptoms, psychosis, manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia).

2. Blood-vascular brain damage or injury of the brain. (Stroke, injury, etc.)

3. Various diseases of the ovaries or the pituitary gland.

4. Another, but rare cause greatly increased sexual activity becomes a hormonal malfunction in the body.

Here are the most common and major causes of gipreseksualnosti women. But there are a few rare causes of increased sexual desire. Sometimes it happens that cause increased libido can pregnancy, medication, or tight clothing. No wonder women in ancient times wearing tight corsets, considered loving. Teenage girls can also suffer nymphomania. The cause of all is the fact that the parents of a child paid little attention to the heat and my daughter, and he grew up a little bit, looking for the missing teen love sex. At the time of menopause in women is possible temporary increase in sexual desire, but it usually does not last long. A culprit is hormones that are produced during menopause.
How to cure nymphomania in women.

The first thing to understand - is that a high libido should be distinguished from nymphomania. The fact that a woman, whether a temporary increase in libido or from birth, most importantly if it can maintain control over their behavior and actions, it would be wrong to assume that it seksogolichkoy. Nympho same - a woman who can not support themselves control and restrain their sexual needs. And if you feel that your sexual desires prevail over you, you can go to the doctor-sexologist. He then determines the correct diagnosis, can you even do not have any diseases, and your health is normal.

And lastly I want to say that our society has not yet learned to look seriously at the issue of health. If someone will fall woman - a nymphomaniac, it immediately begin to humiliate and call different offensive words, forgetting that she just needs help. Therefore, sexologists less frequently by women who suffer from this disease, they are afraid that someone will know about it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fish oil helps to preserve vision in old age

Loss of vision due to aging, can potentially be prevented one of the omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil and has very sophisticated name: dokosa-geksaenovaya acid (DHA). A recent study published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal "Research ophthalmology and science of vision", showed that the experimental mice receiving dietary DHA does not accumulate toxins that cause age-related retinal. Thus, using this discovery, can prevent senile blindness.

Professor Yves Owls (Yves Sauve) and colleagues from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, said: "Our findings may have very broad therapeutic applications. With age, as a rule, the amount of toxins in the retina, which causes degeneration of her doubles. But when we conducted laboratory experiments on mice, no increase in toxins were noted. This study - absolutely unique, never before proposing that the diet based on DHA can produce a similar effect. "

Researchers do not rest on our laurels. Currently, they are studying the problem of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is, in fact, the main cause of vision loss and those aged over 50. Scientists study the blood of people with AMD in the presence of DHA-markers to answer the main question: whether people with certain genetic markers, to better respond to more DHA in their diet than the other, and what are the causes and mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Neurological status


Full name Sick
Marital status:
Time of event:


The weakness in the right hand, blockage of the right hand, the violation of the sensitivity pavoy hand and in the lower third of forearm. Also, the patient complains that his hand is hanging and he can not pick it up.


According to the patient, after a drunk, asleep, leaning on the grid, when I woke up, found the appearance of the above symptoms.

Cerebral symptoms

Consciousness - a clear
Oriented in the environment
Meningeal symptoms - no

Cranial nerves

I. - Smell saved
II. - Without changing the
III. , IV, VI - The width of eye slits - the same on both sides
No ptosis
Strabismus is missing
Gaze paresis not
Movement of the eyeballs in full S = D
The width of the pupils the same on both sides
Anizokariya missing
Pupillary reflexes - saved S = D
Horner's syndrome - no
Arja-Robertson syndrome - no
V. - A). Sensitivity V nerve branches and zones Zeldera saved S = D
Sore points out there is no nerve V S = D
Trigger points are painless S = D
b). Voltage chewing muscles without deviation, no atrophy.
a.) Corneal reflexes saved S = D
Mandibular reflex save S = D
VII. - Symmetrical facial muscles - is proportional to both sides
Mimic the sample normal S = D
Superciliary reflex - saved S = D
VIII. - A). The severity of hearing - in the last year said hearing loss in the right ear
Tinnitus - sometimes in the right ear
b). Dizziness - no
Nystagmus - absent
In the Romberg stable
IX, X. - Ingestion - fully preserved
Phonation - normal. Phonation at soft palate is movable.
Oral automatism reflexes absent
Reflexes from the back of the throat and soft palate are not changed
XI. - Turns heads - normal
Shrug - normal S = D
Muscular strength - no change S = D
Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
XII. - Articulation - compromised by the absence of front teeth
Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
Tongue movement preserved in their entirety

Motor area
External examination: Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
Active movement: - marked paresis of the right hand (the inability extension brush, difficulty bending, the inability of fine movements of fingers, difficulty opposing thumb)
Passive movements: - marked hypotension, muscle hypotrophy right hand (m. flexor carpi radialis, m. Flexor pollicis, m opponens pollicis, m. Palmaris longus, m. Extensor carpi radialis, m. Extensor digitorum, mm. Extensor pollicis), that corresponds to zones innervation of radial and median nerves.
Motor coordination: Statics - saved
Gait: limping on his right leg due to injury
Paltsenosovaya and pyatochnokolennaya sample - saved
Intention - no
Dizmetriya - absent
Adiadohokinez - absent
Asynergy - absent
Hyperkinesis - no
Facial expression in normal


Complaint. Observed violation of pain, temperature, tactile sensitivity in the lateral part of the wrist, the back surface of 1.2, the lateral three fingers, the palm of the hand.
Muscle-joint feeling in fingers, still retained
Complex kinds of sensitivity:
Stereognosis completely preserved S = D
Topognosia present
Two-dimensional spatial sense - saved S = D
Pain points without features
Symptoms of tension and nerve roots - negative


With the biceps tendon - Live S = D
With triceps tendon - Live S = D
Periosteum of the radius - Live S = D
Knee - Live S = D
Achilles - Live S = D
top - live S = D
medium - live S = D
bottom - living S = D
Plantar - live S = D
Babinski - no
Oppenheim - no
Rossolimo - no
Tremnera - no

The pelvic organs

Control of the pelvic organs.

Higher nervous activity

Slurred speech, due to the lack of front teeth
Praxis, gnosis - have not changed.
Agraphia - absent
Account - normally
Memory - is not changed
Intelligence - the same level of development
Criticism to his condition - Adequate
Emotional sphere - normal

Topical diagnosis

Clinically detected evidence of non-robust peripheral paresis of radial and median nerves in the right hand, which is manifested in the motor and sensory disorders (extensor weakness of the right hand, the weakness of the flexor wrist and fingers, malnutrition tenor difficulty opposing thumb, reduction of pain, temperature, tactile sensitivity on the lateral part of the wrist, the back surface of the 1, 2, lateral part of the three fingers, the palm of the hand.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Five-second rule" - a myth!

"It would be much better if the people who hold the" Rules of five seconds, "follow the rule of" Damage - throw away "- said Dr. George Parada, head of programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, Loyola University, Maywood, Illinois, the (' five-second rule "- the American idiom, means something like" what is quickly raised, is not considered fallen "- approx. per.).
... Once fallen thing for dirty surfaces, it collects on itself all the surrounding bacteria.

Parade cautions that, once fallen thing for dirty surfaces, it collects on itself all the surrounding bacteria: "Fallen object immediately contaminated and no longer subject to further complete disinfection. The quantitative and qualitative composition of contaminating microorganisms depends on the object and uronennogo place where he fell. " The scientist added that if the object is washed with water, you can remove some of the bacteria, but completely clear it is hardly possible.

By clearing the fallen stuff in any case does not mean it licks, which is a bad habit of some individuals. "Thus, to apply double damage - said the parade - you are exposed to the bacteria in the first place itself, plus everything you add to the fallen object is and its bacteria. From such carelessness nobody will win. "

However, Parade notes that there are different levels of bacterial contamination. Much depends on the specific circumstances. For example, potato chips, which fell on a relatively clean table and immediately raised, collect fewer germs on themselves, as if he had fallen on the floor and lain there for a while.

Some objects can accumulate to a large amount of bacteria. "For example, the fallen candy is less susceptible to contamination than a piece of cheese," - said the parade, which, incidentally, is also a professor in the School of Medicine of Loyola.
Some people believe that in the microbial contamination has its advantages: it allows a person to improve their immune system.

Some people believe that in the microbial contamination has its advantages: it allows a person to improve their immune system. In this thesis, of course, there is a robust grain, but Parade advises not to expose themselves to unnecessary risk, "Yes, conducted research supporting the value of the impact of bacteria on the body of the child in the most important period of its development. But it concerned microbial contamination typical of everyday life (the air you breathe, mother's arms, etc.), and was not related to the conscious infected themselves known microbes. This may not be an option of forming the protective systems of the organism. Since you want to take care of yourself and put a barrier to disease, spurring the immune system, the best choice - proper nutrition, physical activity and sleep. And do not forget to immunizations. "

Friday, August 31, 2012

Perming eyelashes

Nowadays, the increasing popularity gaining new variety of methods by which you can make eyelashes longer and fluffy.

This - perming eyelashes and eyelash extension.

Perming eyelashes makes amazing bend that visually makes lashes longer, visible, fluffy and inviting.

This procedure is similar in many respects and is not complicated perm hair. In fact, it is even more secure, because the eyelashes live somewhere around 3 months, and after fully updated. After 60-90 days, again you can visit a beautician. Spoil eyelashes also fail - each new update may be again subjected to the procedure of chemical wave lashes, especially in cases where the eyelashes still care.

This procedure is painless, except maybe a little bit frustrating when there perm eyelashes and eyelash curlers wound on specialized, flexible, disposable cylinders 3-4 centimeters long, the thickness of which depends on the desired effect and the length of the lashes.

Thick hair curlers, will create a smooth curl, and will be perfectly suited to those who have long eyelashes. Thin rollers may be bent even very short eyelashes. Eyelashes curled on rollers, the coating composition with which he formed curl. Once it will be some time, his neatly wash. Curlers are on the eyelashes, and the lock is applied. After these steps, the curlers are removed and the procedure ends. Will have to wait about an hour.

But after the procedure you will be able to shoot eyes, paint, wash, go to the bath or sauna, swim, in general, to do what only you want. Fascinating bend your lashes will shake men and women get jealous. In a special care eyelashes permed not need.

Ink can not be used because the eyelashes are and so visible and long. Makeup can remove by conventional means, for the night lubricated with castor oil. After 2 months of eyelashes fully refreshed and become straight again. It will be possible to take a break, and you can again perform perm. Most likely, you are so used to the attention and admiration of others, without hesitation go again to the salon.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blood type influences the risk of developing heart disease

Harvard researchers suggest that the risk of heart disease, blood group guided by an individual. Of their study showed that individuals with the II-nd, III-IV-and her second blood groups have a higher risk of developing heart disease, rather than the owners of I-th group of blood. However, experts say that each of us can resist this genetic predisposition, if prefer a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, adequate physical activity, careful monitoring of blood pressure levels and cholesterol, and body mass.

Said senior researcher, assistant professor of nutrition Dr. Lu Qi: "Our findings about the importance of blood as one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease will be very useful for doctors. While we continue to recommend a healthy life to all, but persons with "risky" blood group should pay more attention to their health, so that reduce the risks. "

Research reports were published on 14 August in the current issue of the journal "Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology." In fairness it should be noted that, despite the existence of a definite connection between blood type and the risk of heart disease, It is a cause and effect relationship has not yet been established.

For the research of Qi Lu and colleagues selected data on 60,000 women who took part in a famous study on the health of nurses, as well as the 17,000 people who took part in such a large-scale study on the health of health workers. All participants were aged 30 to 75 years. In total, their observation was conducted over more than 20 years.

The researchers found that the risk of heart disease in patients with IV-oh - nairedchayshey - blood group by 23% compared with people with I-th blood type. In patients with II-nd group of blood that risk was higher by 11%, from the III-rd - 5%.

For the record: IV-th group of blood are only 7% of Americans, while the I-th - the most common - about 43%.

For reasons of clarity the researchers separately account for the effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease factors such as diet, age, sex, race, smoking, menopause, and history of other diseases. Participants in the study belonged mostly to the white race, so do not know whether you can use the results of the study in relation to other races.

Experts noted that the study proved the link between II-nd group of blood and a higher level of low density lipoprotein (so-called "bad" cholesterol). A nd I-blood group includes factors that contribute to optimizing blood flow and prevents thrombosis.

Dr. Greg Fonarou, professor of cardiology at the University of California nothing surprised: "The relationship between the risk of developing heart disease and II-IV blood groups was observed in the past. This connection can be realized through a variety of mechanisms. Key factors for thrombosis and a higher level of cholesterol are characteristic of people with different I-oh blood groups. The severity of inflammation and immune responses also vary depending on the blood group. " However, according to the scientist, much more to the risk of cardiovascular disease than the blood, to make such factors as age, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and other traditional factors, on which it is necessary first of all to focus medics .

Methods of getting rid of scars

Sooner or later everyone faces the problem of having a scar.

It seems that for men the appearance of another scar is a tragedy, because in popular belief, the scars they just decorate. Modern art tattoo has reached such heights that a specially-made master tattooist decorative "medical" scar can not be distinguished from the present. And if there is a demand for this kind of scars on the male half of humanity, then the stronger sex is really proud of their scars.

But how to be fragile, weak women? Which is often the presence of some scars is not happy. We're not talking about the invisible scar small. It is a large, well-marked, unsightly scars. Can they be removed? Can I make invisible?

Today there are several methods of ruthless struggle with scars. Namely: Scar with various medicinal ointments, with microdermabrasion treatments, with cortisone injections, removal by surgical excision, laser scar removal, scar reduction in size by applying a silicone coating. Also used to remove scars cryotherapy.
Scar removal methods

Medicinal ointment used to remove fresh stretch marks and shallow scars. Note that we are talking about is the use of drugs, not just cosmetic, from which we can hardly expect solution removing scars.

Composition of the ointment contains active substances, allowing discolored scar or stretch marks. The active substance can be a common onion peel or different hormonal. Drug companies claim that the ointment soften scar tissue. Healing gel can be applied at any time of the day due to its colorless. However right to expect noticeable results after applying the ointment is not necessary. Need to stock up some reserves of patience. Pick ointment only under the supervision of an experienced professional. It is not uncommon for the growing problem of scar self uncontrolled use of drugs to eliminate it.

The laser therapy is used to eliminate the large pigmented scars.

The method consists in the deep penetration of the laser under the skin. Thus, there is a leveling of the surface of the skin due to laser damage too overgrown scar tissue. The laser beam is able to change color of scar tissue. With this bright red and brown scars become lighter in color.

Silicone coating method makes invisible raised scars and keloid scars.

Silicon wafers, which is a patch with the gel is applied to the surface of the scar. The plate is held in place scar. The effect of this method is that is disruptive to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the damaged tissue, disrupted the flow of oxygen to the damaged site. There is a constant friction silicone gel on scar tissue. Through these processes is a gradual reduction of raised scars. Sometimes in place of silicone coating can be observed itching. There is nothing to worry about.

Microdermabrasion method used to eliminate depth and raised scars. Great for removing scars, resulting from acne.

With microdermabrasion used microcrystals, which under pressure is removed either mechanically polished upper layers of the skin. The application of this method of polishing the hardware allows smooth the bumps on the skin surface. Due to this, there is a reduction of scar size. This procedure is contraindicated owners of very sensitive skin.

Removal of scar tissue by surgical excision is used for scars large width and length.

The surgeon removes the scar tissue, and then connects the edges of the skin that is left in the ground excision. Scar finally disappears, but after surgery is not so evident and is more accurate.

Cortisone injections are used to combat bulging, overgrown scars.

In the scar tissue injected dose of cortisone, a drug based on the hormone. Cortisone has anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces collagen synthesis. Simple language speaking, slows the growth of scar tissue. Scar tissue under the influence of cortisone flattens and, accordingly, reduced in size.

Cryotherapy comes to help in removing overgrown raised scars. This method is very effective and popular. Cells of the connective tissue at the site of scar die from exposure to low temperatures. After several sessions of cryotherapy, maybe you completely get rid of annoying scars.

Today, we give you several options of full or partial disposal of scars. The choice is yours!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How chocolate affects health.

Chocolate - this is one of the most favorite treats, not only children but also adults. It is very difficult to find anyone who does not love at least sometimes indulge chocolate. There are lots of varieties of chocolate: white, black, air, and milk. And think how many kinds of chocolate, there are as many opinions about it. People are always arguing about the dangers and benefits of chocolate for people. Try and we will find out the truth and fiction.

Very often you can hear that the chocolate can be stout, but I want to say that this is just a myth. Yes chocolate is a high calorie, but the carbohydrates contained in chocolate, very quickly absorbed by the body. Any chocolate is a good source of energy, so it is very useful for children.

A very useful feature of chocolate is that it contains flanoidy (flavonoids). These substances are beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Flanoidy destroy blood clots in the blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart attacks and other diseases associated with blood circulation.

Chocolate is also a great anti-depressant. It includes substances improves mood. The nervous system is back to normal and increases the overall efficiency of the person who uses the chocolate. Just noticed that the chocolate goodies can smooth the pain during the critical days in women. A conducted by scientists from the University of Helsinki research proved yet that chocolate affects the nature of children, if their mother during pregnancy, do not deny yourself the pleasure to get some chocolate. It was noted that children born were very active and cheerful, and the smile on their face appear more often than tears.

It is interesting that chocolate makes an aphrodisiac. This powerful aphrodisiac is obtained by mixing chocolate with ginger. Aztecs even noticed that the usual chocolate is very exciting product.

Of the various types of chocolate is the best - it's dark chocolate. He is the richest in fiber, magnesium and antioxidants. But the main rule - is a sense of proportion in respect of the consumption of species and varieties of this wonderful delicacy. Health problems are not because of chocolate, not knowledge measures of chocolate consumption.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to remove depression after childbirth

Over 10% of women who gave birth face with postpartum depression, accompanied by irritability, crying spells, anxiety. All because of the emotional stress and hormonal fluctuations associated with postnatal changes in the female organism. But these factors are accompanied by other factors:

unconscious fears associated with health (even healthy) child;
family conflicts;
lack of sleep;
financial problems;
guilt to the child (especially if the mother chided someone close);
disappointment in her husband, who is not so much there, as it should be;
dissatisfaction with their appearance.

Not every woman is recognized in the fact that it hurts depression, irritability, and your tears explains fatigue. In such cases, the mother should consult a doctor who will tell you how to remove depression.

Women with severe symptoms prescribe medications, often because of which you have to give up breastfeeding. But such cases are rare. Often lack the psychological treatment (one or two consultations with a doctor.)
What can help relieve depression after childbirth
Sleeping child should not be a reason to wash the floors. Even 20 minutes of sleep with the baby mama help relieve fatigue.
Do not be shy to involve grandmothers and girlfriends, Ran for an hour, to domestic affairs. They can help make dinner or pet diapers.
Husband involvement in the care of a baby is a must. A child born to both of you, and the support of the second half simply has to be.
Fresh air should not be limited balcony.
Find like-minded people. Frequent walks help to meet other young moms. Share experiences and learn a lot of useful things for themselves. In the future your child's friends are.
Exercise helps to put out the tension and struggle with weight dialed. Besides, you can deal with your child.
Learn to relax. View old photos or favorite comedy (even with the baby in her arms), lift the mood.
Select at least half an hour a day to be alone with him. Take a leisurely bath, make a mask, styling, manicure.

Relatives and friends should know how to ward off depression and should not throw a woman alone in the fight against it. Even a little help can be indispensable. After all, so need a healthy baby cool mom.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why do people have different eye color? (Heterochromia)

heterochromia I want to tell you about a very interesting phenomenon - it is heterochromia. Heterochromia - this is when a person has a different color eyes. The difference in eye color in humans is caused by an excess or deficiency of pigment - melanin. This rare phenomenon occurs not only in humans but also in animals, such as cats. Long - long people with different eye color considered children of the devil, witches, that is, people associated with witchcraft or black magic. They caused fear among ordinary people, but it is now known that the different eye color - this is not the tricks of supernatural power.

There are two types of heterochromia: first - a complete heterochromia, and the second type - a partial heterochromia. With the full color of one iris heterochromia is completely different from the color of the other iris. In partial heterochromia in one part of the human iris (eye) is different from the rest of the iris, that is, one eye has two colors. Is most common in people complete heterochromia, less partial, approximately, 4 persons from 1 million.
Why do people have different eye color?

Heterochromia - a mutation that occurs after fertilization. But do not be afraid of heterochromia. It has no effect on human health, which has different colored eyes. Man with heterochromia sees and perceives colors as well as the average person, but it has its own individual twist. By the way, heterochromia is more common in women than in the stronger sex. There are cases and so that heterochromia is acquired. Due to injury or disease (Hirschsprung's disease, Waardenburg syndrome), a person acquires a unique phenomenon.
Examples of famous people with heterochromia:

Kate Bosworth (sector getehromiya)

Mila Kunis

Tim Makilrot

Alice Eve

Simon Pegg

Christopher Walken

David Bowie (psevdogeterohromiya due to injury)

Henry Kevell

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Strangely enough, but the owners of different eye colors are not always happy to have them heterochromia. So they can be advised, for example, to buy colored lenses (carnival lens) so that they can hide their identity from others. In the same way by the lens can artificially create a different eye color in humans.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Who are the savants?

Kim Peek - one of the most famous savant Savants - is unrecognized geniuses of our time. These people are very talented in a certain direction, for example, in mathematics, music, art, etc., but at the same time, in all other savants "helpless." They do not distinguish right from left, can not drive a car, not even light to enable them ordeal. Savant syndrome is very rare and not well known in the community, but after the Oscar-winning movie "Rain Man", this phenomenon is well known.

Savant syndrome was first described by Dr. J. Langdon Down. In 1887, he introduced the term "idiot savant", to describe a person who had an extraordinary memory, but had a very low intelligence. Currently, the term is not used. Another term "autistic savant", is also widely used, but it can be misleading. Because not all people - autistic savants. According to statistics, only 50% of people with the syndrome are autistic savants, and the remaining 50% of people got this syndrome as a consequence of injury or central nervous system defects. Savantizm more common in men than in women, in the approximate ratio of 6 to 1. According to one theory, people with savant syndrome have abnormal development of the left hemisphere, when the right hemisphere is out of control of the left hemisphere. This theory may explain why men with such phenomena are more common - the fact that the hormone testosterone can inhibit the development of the left hemisphere, which is known to be more efficient neighboring brain.

Commonly found in the ability of savants.

Such people have their phenomenal skills can appear quite suddenly, and sometimes just as suddenly disappear.

1. Phenomenon. Memory.

Supermemory is the hallmark of people with savant syndrome. They can, for example, to sing all the songs correctly with any concert, though they heard them for the first time. Or draw from memory a replica of New York to see him once with a helicopter (Stephen Viltsher). Another example - this is Kim Peek, who was the prototype of the main character in the movie "Rain Man", he remembered about 98% of the information they read.

2. Phenomenon. Mathematics.

Some people with savant syndrome are able to perform complex mathematical calculations at lightning speed without the use of technology. But at the same time, they are given such difficult math like multiplication or division of prime numbers. The most famous ruler of all currently numbers is Daniel Tammet, for example, it is easy to calculate cube roots in the mind, as well as can easily play back up to 22,514 decimal places in pi.

3. Phenomenon. Calendar calculations.

Ordinary people are very hard to remember, without using the calendar, on which day of the week accounted for a specific date, but not a savant. They are able to call on the day of the week a particular date falls later, for example, a thousand years!

4. Phenomenon. Music.

It is often observed in representatives savantizma absolute pitch, and he is easy to repeat a song, they hear the first time.

5. Phenomenon. Art.

Artistic abilities appear less frequently, such as musical ability, but still there are some talents. For example, Stephen Wiltshire is a unique artist, he paints a picture not just from memory, but still plays all the little details. During that Stephen got his nickname "Live Camera".

6. Phenomenon. Languages.

Another interesting phenomenon that can occur - is the knowledge and possession of a large number of foreign languages. Christopher Taylor, for example, is obsessed with words. He speaks perfect 30 foreign languages.

Known savants.

Alonzo Clemons - American sculptor.

Henriette Seth F. - Hungarian-autistic Savant, poet, writer and artist.

Daniel Tammet - British Savant, mathematician, linguist.

Derek Paravicini - a blind British musician.

James Henry Pullen - British carpenter.

Jonathan Lerman - American artist

Kim Peek - one of the most famous savant

Leslie Lemke - blind American musician

Matt Savage - jazz musician with autism in the U.S.

Stephen Wiltshire - architectural artist

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Discovered a new component of Earth's atmosphere, influence climate and human health

The international team of scientists from the University of Colorado and the Helsinki opened a new amazing chemical compound, part of the Earth's atmosphere. It is able to chemically react with sulfur dioxide to form sulfuric acid, which is known to have a significant effect on climate and human health, according to the website ScienceDaily.

This compound is a representative of the carbonyl group. It is formed by the interaction of ozone contained in the atmosphere, with alkenes (unsaturated hydrocarbons), which can be both natural and artificial nature. Thus, he found a new pathway for the formation of sulfuric acid, whose influence on the atmosphere of a very, very negative: it is acid rain and pollution of air inhaled by man. Acid rain in turn detrimental to the earth's flora and fauna.

Says Roy "Lee" Mauldin III (Roy «Lee» Mauldin II), University of Colorado researcher and lead author of the study: "Usually, the formation of sulfuric acid in the atmosphere is by reaction of sulfur dioxide and the hydroxyl radical OH, which consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms with unpaired electrons, making them a high level. A catalyst for the chemical reaction of sulfuric acid is sunlight, which acts like a match, starting the process. " First suspicions on another method of formation of sulfuric acid, the scientists were born, when they began to discover in the atmosphere sulfuric acid at night, that is, in the absence of sunlight. According to Mauldin, they became massively identify sulfuric acid in the forests of Finland (where much of the research was conducted), which could not but encourage scientists to the question: where does it come from?

Scientists literally closed in the laboratory and were combined in a mass spectrometer (gas analyzer) ozone with sulfur dioxide and various alkenes. At some stage, the mass spectrometer recorded the formation of large amounts of sulfuric acid. Because the researchers wanted to make sure that the hydroxyl radical is not involved in the formation of sulfuric acid, they added to the analyzer special substance to completely bind and remove even traces of it from there. Later, one of the scientists decided to experiment: he held over the tube of the mass spectrometer has just broken branch of pine. As you know, in a pine tree contains isoprene and alfapinen - alkenes, giving it a distinctive pine scent. Then the concentration of sulfuric acid went up sharply. As then recognized scientists, they have never seen anything like it, as, in fact, no one else.

According to Mauldin, this newly discovered pathway for the formation of sulfuric acid will be of scientific interest to researchers of climate change: given the ever-increasing amount of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, a new discovery will affect the atmospheric sulfur cycle.

According to the Office for the Environment (USA) about 90% of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere - a consequence of emission combustion of fossil fuels in power plants and other industrial facilities. Other sources of sulfur - even volcanoes and oceanic phytoplankton.

Airborne particles of sulfuric acid, which can be of different sizes, play a major role in the formation of clouds, which have a cooling effect on the atmosphere. Smaller particles, which are closer to the surface of the Earth, can cause respiratory problems in humans.

Over the last century the climate south-eastern United States was slightly colder. Mauldin relates this fact is a newly discovered chemical - natural oxidant. According to him, the particles of sulfuric acid over the pine forests constitute more clouds, which reflect sunlight back into space, cooling the thus located beneath the region.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Direct inguinal hernia on the right

III. Anamnesis morbi: considers herself a patient in March 19, 2003, when, during physical activity first appeared bulging tumor (about the size of a walnut) in the right groin, painful, accompanied by abdominal pain, cutting character. The patient took a horizontal position, and soon the pain subsided independently, bulging right, health care is not addressed. Patient notes that: 1) further education increased (there) with little physical exertion, coughing, straining, passing in a vertical position, which was accompanied by pain in the abdomen and education itself, in the transition to a horizontal position - education disappeared, the pain abated, and 2) maximum (when standing) dimensions of education gradually increased. Nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, constipation during this period of time denied. The emergence of significant discomfort, limitations in work sick decided to go to the clinic X number of X (05/02/03 g), which was examined by the surgeon and diagnosed with an inguinal hernia on the right hospitalized in the 1st surgical unit X for X number of additional tests and appropriate treatment.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Treatment of burns without surgery

Conservative or local treatment of burns - it is one of the few treatments that has come to us from ancient times, but is still widely used, along with the more modern and progressive methods. Using a conservative method of treating burns affected surfaces determined by the size and stage of wound healing. It should be noted that of all the "burn" of patients in hospitals, about 80% is exposed to conservative treatment, and if we consider that in the deep burns as primary therapeutic measures to prepare for the operation (to provide prizhivaniya dermal implants) used local treatment, coverage becomes sick and does 100%.

The basis of the conservative treatment of burns - aseptic bandage, affixed to prevent ingress of infection on the skin surface and primary treatment of burns, which is carried out either immediately or the next day at the first dressing change (if it is a small burn), or the second or third day, when serious injury, and there are all the signs of shock.

What is meant by primary treatment of burns? It includes four steps:
washing with antiseptic solutions adjacent to the wound surface of the skin. As antiseptics using 0.25% ammonia solution, furatsilin, 3% solution of boric acid, or just warm water and soap.
Remove fallen into the wound of foreign bodies, the remnants of the epidermis, fibrinous overlays, using tweezers, swabs and sponges.
repeated washing and drying antiseptic wound with sterile wipes.
dressing impregnated with an antimicrobial agent.

In certain cases (deep lesion) primary processing is done under anesthesia, and using both conventional analgesics, and, if the situation demands it - drugs.

All the above applies to the closed method of treatment of burns. If the patient is outside the hospital - it is the only possible method. In addition to infection control, the bandage is also protected from the adverse effects of the environment (temperature and humidity swings, getting foreign bodies, air currents), is indispensable for transporting the patient to a certain extent blunts pain, concentrates in okoloranevoy medicines, absorbs wound discharge . There is another, open method of treatment of burns. He was deprived of some of the shortcomings inherent in the closed (pain during dressing, bandaging and significant consumption of drugs), but quite demanding: a necessary condition for the creation of a sterile environment around the wound, which can be achieved only with the help of special equipment (UV irradiators) in hospital. This method is very useful for burns on the face and in the genital area, that is where the presence of bands desired.

Just as it is half empty or full of glass, there is a so-called semi-open or semi-closed, as you like, the. Its essence is as follows: after initial treatment is applied to the wound and bandage fixed finest bandage impregnated with an antibacterial agent. Then bandage exposed hot air (hair dryer) or IR radiation, so that it stuck to the wound. After 2-3 days the bandages are removed, the dressing is treated with a solution or betadine yodonata. And everything is dressing up to the final healing. And if there is suppuration, removed only area bands over the suppuration, the wound re-treated with an antiseptic and a bandage is closed again. After 2 weeks of dressing is removed.

As an antimicrobial for medical treatment, in addition to those already mentioned, use a solution of hydrophilic antibiotics dioksidina, chlorhexidine bigluconate and dressing in the form of aerosols (olazol, polkortolon TC), ointments and creams on the basis of water-soluble (Levosin, dioxidine). Selecting a particular antibiotic is determined species composition of microflora wounds. Keep in mind that bacterial resistance to antibiotics is formed faster than antiseptics (1-2 weeks).

We would also like to dwell on the drug on the basis of silver sulfadiazine in the form of ointments and creams. Currently, these drugs are literally are the best choice for the conservative treatment of burns. In our country, registered the following trade names that contain the pharmacologically active substance: sulfargin Estonian, Slovenian Dermazin, Bosnian argedin. The advantage of drugs based on silver sulfadiazine - a wide range of action, efficacy against both gram-negative microorganisms and gram-positive, and fungi-dermatophytes. The ointment is applied to the wound bed of 2-3 mm, covered by a bandage, and tied with bandages. Dressing changes made in a day.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Properly grow hair

The desire for change is peculiar to women. Most often, the fair sex begin to change his hairstyle.

Many girls want to have a healthy and long hair.

They give its owner a surprising tenderness and a certain charm.

The growth process of long hair, and the intermediate result does not always look aesthetically pleasing.

So what advice of stylists, to the process otraschivaniya hair your hair to look just great?

Begin to grow their hair is by finding a good stylist. Only a professional will know all the details of the case, and will promptly correct stray curls, all to make sure that no matter what haircut looks stunning.

Do not think that you do not need to get a haircut when you grow hair. Haircut is not only possible but necessary. Do not forget, though, that after a while start to split hairs, so they need to be trimmed. If you do not do it in time, the hair will not be well-groomed and beautiful. Do not be afraid that too many barber sostrizhet. Access its services at any time of 3 months.

You can buy a couple of accessories. Long hair will just need a variety of hair clips, headbands, wraps. Because now you have a great scope for a range of styles and even images.
Do not forget that long hair requires special care.

If you would like to have beautiful long hair, and, in this case, you have to care for them to spend a lot of time and effort. Every two months you will have access to interior, and do a variety of procedures for the consolidation and improvement of the hair. If you are not afraid of these duties and you are ready for them, in this case, are gaining patience and effort, in order to strike a few months of its chic hair.

Evidence-Based Medicine: An Introduction

The concept of evidence-based medicine.

As such, a universal definition of the term "evidence-based medicine" does not exist. He wanders from article to article, transforming according to the source, it is used. On average, evidence-based medicine - is a collective term covering methods of collection, analysis, interpretation of medical information, providing evidence-based selection of safe and effective means of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. First, it should be said that the concept of "evidence-based medicine", to some extent, taken - is the English translation of «Evidence-based medicine» (EBM), proposed by Canadian scientists McMaster University in 1990. But do not put so much importance to this date, as it is not identical with the emergence of evidence-based medicine as a phenomenon. If we reject the verbal gymnastics, the principles of evidence-based medicine to some extent been used since the mid 19th century, when the "age of bloodletting," which, to this day, it was elevated to a cure, was replaced by the so-called "period of therapeutic nihilism." For doctors it is understood that the advantages of one method of treatment over another should be based not on blind adherence to "time-tested" methods, more like a shamanistic rite, and the analysis of results of clinical observations from the practical use of the compared methods. That is, North American scientists just call a spade what existed in the Old World more than a century ago.

In evidence-based medicine, and there are a lot of critics, but I think all this is a question only of not quite correct understanding of its essence. Evidence-based medicine - is not a collection of dogmas theorize allowing, roughly speaking, the conditional intern Lobanov treat any patient by opening a page of the standard treatment. Evidence-based medicine - is, first of all, the art of using their own medical knowledge and intuition, without slipping at the same time, excessive empiricism, and reliance on, of course, proven methods of treating disease.
Confirm the effectiveness of the system

Prove the effectiveness of a drug or a method of diagnosis and treatment (if we're talking about a high level of evidence according to the unified world ranking) sometimes easier than to confirm the existence of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. Why? About everything in order.

In evidence-based medicine are clinical trials, ie not in a test tube or on a white mouse, but directly to the people. The basic document governing the conduct of clinical trials and binding guidance to all scientists from medicine, is the Helsinki Declaration, adopted in 1964 by the World Medical Association. On the basis of this document are local rules in clinical trials around the world, including our own. There are general principles of clinical trials. Here they are:
accountability, ie obligatory presence of a control group receiving a placebo or comparator drug ("dummy") parallel to the main group, which takes the medicine. This is in order to rule out the possibility of auto-suggestion in the treatment of this drug. We differentiate between:
single-blind study, when his party did not know exactly what it takes: the study drug or placebo;
double-blind study, when this does not know well and the doctor;
triple-blind study, when this information is hidden, including, from the head of the research;
randomized. This means that a homogeneous group of patients recruited, which is subsequently randomly divided into experimental and control groups;
mandatory compliance with all the principles and ethical standards presented in the Declaration of Helsinki.

In our country, the basic principles of clinical trials listed in the Law on Circulation of Medicines, the Rules of clinical practice in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of 19.06.2003 № 266 and a number of other sub-sectoral legal acts.

Evidence-Based Medicine
Archie Cochrane and the Cochrane collaboration

Evidence-Based Medicine: An Introduction
Archie Cochrane

Any more or less meaningful story about evidence-based medicine can not be imagined without a mention of the man. British epidemiologist Archie Cochran (Archie Cochrane) can be called a pioneer, because it was him in 1972 had the brilliant idea to make an inventory accumulated by the time of medical information and to separate, so to speak, the wheat from the chaff, that is, methods and means of treatment efficacy proven in randomized trials, the methods, the effectiveness of which was not confirmed in this way. He perfected the technique of meta-analysis, that is statistical analysis of a set of studies, as if it were one large study. In 1993, after the death of the scientist had created "Koxranovskoe cooperation» (Cochrane Collaboration), which joined in 1999, and Russia. The main objective of the organization - helping doctors all over the world in an objective choice clinically proven drug or method of treatment. This is achieved by constantly searching and organizing information on a randomized, controlled clinical trials. Forces representatives of the organization, "Cochrane collaboration" was created Cochrane Library.

The Cochrane Library - a unique resource, a huge database of evidence-based medicine. Thus, it includes a summarized overview of randomized clinical trials, selected according to strict criteria. Simply put, not every randomized study considered to be valid and, therefore, worthy of inclusion in the Cochrane Library. In addition to the surveys, this resource contains a register of randomized controlled trials. Development and maintenance of the register prior hard work, in fact, hand searches of research publications in medical journals. In short Cochrane Library - it's just a storehouse of knowledge for each health worker, who does not just mechanically doing his job, and is committed to continually improve their knowledge and professional competence. Need only enter in the search box the name of the drug or the disease of interest - if you please: Meet, learn, and make sure to be disappointed, unless, of course, the English possess.
Examples of drugs with unproven efficacy

In this chapter, I will focus only on some of the most commonly used drugs whose effectiveness has not been confirmed by appropriate evaluation criteria from the perspective of medicine.

• Arbidol. Perhaps the most raspiarenny drug, followed by stretches unseemly trail misleading advertising, corruption suspicions, kickbacks, lobbying and revelations (remember, though, history Golikova / Pharmstandard). Meanwhile, such excitement about Arbidol has only been in our hearth and home. In the civilized world, it did not cause absolutely no interest: it is simply not considered to be a medicine. Clinical trials do not give reason to speak of its effectiveness;

• Mezim forte. How is it in advertising? "For the stomach does not change!" While it should not act in the stomach and in the intestine, where, after the dissolution of the dosage shell contained in the tablet released pancreatic enzymes that improve digestion. The catch is that the alleged manufacturer of enteric-soluble shell still in the stomach by the action of hydrochloric acid, where it is the inactivation of the enzymes contained in the pill, which makes the drug comparable to placebo.

• Corvalol. My favorite product of our grandmothers, who poured it into itself almost buckets. Try the bubble korvalola enter the U.S.: you will not work, because he simply banned in this country because it contains psychoactive component - phenobarbital. Interestingly, the phenobarbital have declared a particularly dangerous psychoactive substances, but at the same time, thanks to korvalola, valokordin and others like them, a lot of phenobarbital are uncontrolled OTC turnover. Well if phenobarbital, right korvalola and efficiency in terms of impact on the course and outcome of heart disease is clinically proven. This is - an empty shell, "non-working" drug.

In fact, drugs with unproven efficacy in abundance. By a strange coincidence, most of them are still in use at us, while in the west of them have long since abandoned or never used. We do they continue to enter the archaic standards of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, developed more in the year one. We can only hope that someday the day will come when we will be treated in accordance with international standards and criteria of evidence based medicine.

 Andrew Vitale

Сauses of wrinkles


Any woman age problem is wrinkles.

After seeing the first wrinkles, every woman begins to realize that youth left behind.

Cosmetology known occasions when wrinkles appear early. These facial wrinkles known as they are formed from the reduction of the facial muscles.

Laughter, strife, anger. People who keep their face in an extremely mobile condition, develop really wrinkled wrinkles on your face.

If you decide to take up the fight against wrinkles, in this case, you need first of all to see a doctor, beautician, who on all the issues you will advise and suggest the funds that fit best for your skin. At present there are just a huge variety of cosmetic products, which can help get rid of wrinkles and restore skin other than the previous form.

Wrinkles, by nature, are furrows and folds in the skin. They are formed on the arms, face, neck, as well as on any other skin areas. Wrinkles are formed due to damage or breaks the connection of elastic fibers of collagen and elastin. These fibers are essential in the human skin.

Also, except for this kind of wrinkles, there is the age. They appear because the skin is starting to get old. It loses its elasticity over time, is no longer wet, leading to dryness, and the disruption of metabolism. All these factors lead to the fact that the outer layers of the skin begin to change, and because of that begin to form wrinkles.

If you have dry skin, and you are caring for it properly, it can also lead to the fact that you will quickly appear wrinkles. In this case, to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, is less likely to wash their face with soap and no doubt carefully selected for color cosmetics and skin whitening cream.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Which style of makeup to choose for a first date

Which style of makeup to choose for a first date

Going on a date, you can choose any style: mysterious, romantic, rock.

You just choose what is right for you in the spirit, or whatever, depending on what kind of experience you would like to produce.

We will help you to realize your ideas.

Romantic makeup. Great for trips to the restaurant, candlelight dinner and walks in the moonlight.

1. The basis of this type of makeup is perfectly smooth and radiant skin. For this you need to apply foundation using a sponge or a brush.

2. Mask the dark circles with concealer.

3. After that, apply the cream-shine on the nose, cheekbones and temples. So you make your face radiant, and will emphasize its outline.

4. Take a pink blush, to create a truly romantic makeup, and apply them in accordance with your type of person.

5. Use dull crisp shadows (blue, pink, purple) for ever. Liner does not need you. It is better to apply a colored mascara. It is perfectly able to complete your look.

6. And in the end, apply, natural color, lip gloss.

Sexy makeup. If you wish to be very sexy, in which case you will need to use this option.

1. Use the tonal basis only to hide with her shortcomings. After face sprinkle mineral water.

2. After take a fluffy brush and fluorescent powder. Apply it to the temples and cheeks.

3. You then need to apply a small amount of blush, to add color.

4. Lipstick, use a bright color. It is best if you do it with a brush or fingers. Do not forget just what shade you should approach. If your lips are not particularly plump, in this case, apply a bit of lip gloss on the center of the lips.

5. To the eye is to choose a quieter makeup as lips you will be bright. Use the shade of natural color and apply two coats of mascara.

6. If you want to give yourself mystery, in this case, you can make a makeup smokey-eyes.

Normal parasite can bring to suicide

The parasite, which was considered a relatively safe and is found in a large number of people, in fact, cause subtle changes in the brain that contribute to the manifestation of suicidal tendencies.

A new study linking infectious parasite Toxoplasma gondii invasion of suicidal behavior, was published in the August issue of the American journal "Clinical Psychiatry". One of the leaders of the study was an employee of the Michigan State University Lena Brundin.

"Approximately 10-20% of the U.S. population are infected with toxoplasmosis, but the scientific community has always been assumed that toxoplasmosis in humans - an intermediate host - behaves inactive" - ​​says Brundin, Associate Professor of Experimental Psychiatry, University of Michigan. The research is based on the premise that, entering the human body, the parasite causes a "long-playing" inflammation, in which noxious metabolites that damage brain cells.

Brundin said that the discovery of symptoms of inflammation of the brain in suicide victims and those suffering from depression, was observed in previous studies, that is, the relationship between Toxoplasma gondii and suicide attempts is not a revelation to scientists, "But now we have a specific statistical information, that if a person is found toxoplasma, it is 7 times more prone to suicide. "

Job Brundin and her colleagues were the first in which the special assessment by suicidal scale analyzed suicidal tendencies among people infected with the parasite.

Toxoplasma gondii

The results showed that the infected person toxoplasmosis were more prone to suicide, and the greater the degree of contamination, the more they were placed on a scale, which means high risk of suicide attempts in the future. In this Brundin said that most infected nothing will not commit suicide, "Some people have certain psychological characteristics that make them more prone to suicide. Suicidality - a global problem of modern health care and society in general. Thus, in the United States in 2009 committed suicide 36,909 people, or someone take his own life every 14 minutes. At the same time, 90% of these individuals had any mental illness. Thus, the ability to identify suicide in the early stages by screening for toxoplasmosis will identify potential risk suicidal subjects. "

Toxoplasma gondii - an intracellular parasite, the ultimate owner of which are cats. Man he passed along with water or food containing eggs of the parasite. Since, in addition to human, the parasite can be found in other mammals, there is a chance of infection and the consumption of undercooked raw meat.

Brundin studied the link between depression and the presence of inflammation in the brain for over 10 years, starting with her own scientific work on Parkinson's disease. A typical group of drugs used in depressive states are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. These drugs increase the concentration in the brain neurotransmitter serotonin, but at the same time to have any effect on their administration reached only half of the patients. Brundin study indicates that reducing the concentration of serotonin may be a symptom, not the root cause of depression. Inflammation localized in the brain, caused, perhaps, Toxoplasma causes disruptions in biochemical processes, and under certain circumstances, cause suicidal thoughts.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Information about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body.

Just due to them is provided 50-60% of the energy. During exercise in the first place is consumed carbohydrates, and only after its reserves dwindle, the energy consumption began to be replaced by fat and protein.

If the diet is poor in carbohydrates, you can begin to develop hypoglycemia (translated from Latin - the lack of sugar), which are the main manifestations - lethargy, weakness, headaches, memory loss, ... Carbohydrate starvation leads to the accumulation of urine and blood ketone compounds. These compounds are the products of incomplete oxidation of protein and fat.

But the excess carbohydrates in the diet will lead to increased formation of fat and, as a result, and obesity. In addition, many researchers say that the excess carbohydrates in food contribute to the development of pathological disorders of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

In the adult average daily requirement for carbohydrates is 400-500 grams. It would be better if the major sources in your diet will be the products of plant origin, 75% of the dry matter of which are carbohydrates. Now, unfortunately, we all get more carbohydrates by eating a large variety of sweets and sugar, not fruits and vegetables ...

School for pregnant women. Knowledge - force.

Nowadays, women's magazines and websites offer a wealth of information about the beautiful period in a woman's life - pregnancy. And at the same time on the eye regularly come across advertisements, invitations and even a doctor's recommendation in the antenatal clinic on passing specific courses.

Older women surprised shrug and mockingly commented: "For centuries, all giving birth, and only now is science done." But every young mother, who chose a course for pregnant women, confidently say that this decision was correct. Let's look at some reasons to undergo training at a school for pregnant women.

School for pregnant women - all you need to know about pregnancy and childbirth.

Of course, the information that you get here - no word of mouth. Specialists in various fields to share with you the knowledge and answer your questions. And their pregnant endless: How is the baby, what to fear, and that is the norm. Separate issue - labor. Here you will learn about each step in detail from the point of view of the physician. Get essential tips and learn the natural pain relief. Learn about the care of the newborn, the rules of breastfeeding.

School for pregnant women - exposing the myths.

Many women even in the XXI century, bear the brunt of superstitions, traditions and fears. Some of them are cute and harmless, but there are those that are a danger to highly sensitive mothers. Maternity courses designed to uncover the truth about the many superstitions and dispel harmful myths.

School for pregnant women - set for success.

Agree that each person is important to believe in the best, to be able to stay calm in any situation. A pregnancy is a must! It is only in a woman's body at rest produces the correct hormones to correct the course of pregnancy. How to calm down about the ability to listen to your body and help your child to be born comfortable you will learn in a school for pregnant women. Such knowledge in mothers and girlfriends do not get.

School for pregnant women - whether it's fathers.

"We do not plan to partner delivery" - you say. So what? Except in this case the Pope attend a course? Let's think about whether a young father superfluous knowledge of when and what happens to his pregnant wife. About what a difficult and important job to be her big day at the X. What help can and must have a father in the first minutes, hours, months, your little miracle. Before it can be useful to his beloved wife. Knowing and applying the many tips in practice, spouse helps his half to recover quickly and prevent postpartum depression.

So, the big day soon. Are you ready to experience the stunning body experience. Set aside fear and tension. Give your body a chance to freely pass a wonderful way to light a natural birth of the new man?

Food for diarrhea

When diarrhea occurs, regardless of the causes of its origin - poor quality food or stress, it's hard to choose what to eat, not to harm her, and so upset, stomach and intestines.

We will help you find the best food, which is not only safe, but also improve the condition of your stomach.

1. Bananas

Bananas are a very good choice to address disorders of the digestive system. They contain high levels of potassium helps restore electrolytes, which are often lost when a severe attack of diarrhea. Bananas are rich in protein and soluble fiber, which helps to absorb liquid in the intestines and thus normalizing the chair. The high content of soluble fiber, inulin, and other nutrients also helps to restore the normal state of the intestine. Inulin is a prebiotic substances that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the intestinal system.

2. Mashed potatoes and white rice

Talk about good food! Thanks to a low-fiber, high starch content, they are easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Eat rice and potatoes in equal proportions, but without butter and other fats, as they can be irritating to the digestive system, and contribute to the spasms in the intestines.

3. Applesauce

Apples, like bananas, are a good source of pectin. However, the high fiber content in raw apples makes them very rude for irritable bowel syndrome. Recommended cook applesauce or baked apples. Thus, you will provide easy assimilation in the stomach and intestines and get pectin, sugar and other nutrients contained in apples.

4. White toast and biscuits

In normal bowel habits, it is helpful to eat whole grains. But when you tortured acute diarrhea, you'd better turn to processed wheat. Removing the outer shell of the grain is much easier digestion. As an added bonus, the amount of salt (sodium) in the liver will be useful to restore electrolyte balance in the body.

5. Yogurt

Usually, acute diarrhea is not recommended consumption of dairy products. Yogurt is a big exception to this rule. It contains probiotics, which help to create a healthy balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Chicken

White chicken meat, stewed or cooked of course, easy to digest and is an excellent source of protein. Incorporating it into your diet will provide a relatively safe saturate your body with necessary nutrients to your body.

7. Blueberries

In Sweden, dried blueberry has a long history of use in the treatment of diarrhea. Dr. Tyler recommends chew dried fruit blueberries or cranberries, or drink tea from them.
Useful during diarrhea properties of blueberries, apparently related to its content of tannins, which act as an astringent and reduce inflammation and secretion of fluid and mucus. Blueberries also contain substances that have antibacterial properties and is a good source of antioxidants. Finally, this berry contains soluble fiber and pectin.

8. Herbal tea

Mint tea mint soothes the digestive tract. If you drink this tea, it calms and relaxes the muscles along the digestive system, thereby reducing cramps. In addition, mint is very effective in reducing intestinal gas.
Chamomile tea is effective in reducing the inflammation of the intestine and to relieve colic.
Eat well and stay healthy!

Nail polish. Which to choose?

They consist of a mixture of harmless solvent and cellulose. Is colorless or colored. Covering the nails are not only beautiful, but also a sustainable film nail polish makes them desirable shine and color. In the lacquer has calcium, which strengthens the nails, and specific additives are used to make nails special brightness.

It is better not to use acetone solvent lacquers - a specific smell and fragility - not the most attractive features for them. By colored paints required: nail hardeners (usually part of the nail) and the anchors.

Types of coatings

• Normal or tone paint are among the most common and popular. They cover the nail in several layers: dark varnish in one layer and light - in three.

• Pearl paint has good resistance. To avoid streaking in its application, the brush should be exactly on the base of the nail to the edge.

• Clear lacquer is used as a base, and as a coating. It not only protects your nails, but also makes them shiny.

• Lac-base is used for leveling the surface of the nails as tone coating. It may be pink or clear. Helps strengthen nails and protects them from the bundle, helps spread evenly tonal varnish, makes the connection with the nail polish more durable.

• Fast Express varnish dries less than a minute. His feature to quickly dry nail polish is unique.

• Dance Legend paint changes color from UV rays
becoming bright glow of pink, blue, red or green.
This lighting is used in night clubs, discotheques, bowling, casino. These trendy nail polishes are extremely popular among young girls.

• Matt Lacquer or (Matt frost). It is not the usual brilliance, and its surface is velvety and smooth. It dries almost instantly.

• Nail Glitter. He is transparent, but it adds glare in different shapes, sizes and colors.

• Nail - fine silver glitter. Applied to the surface layer of the nails, and includes spectacular glitter, silver.

• Top paint - applied over the usual. He is a good protection for tone lacquer: gives it shine, do not give him crack, chip, thicken, several times increases the resistance.

• Single-layer lacquer is used to cover the nail in a single layer.

• Strengthening varnish. They cover a manicure for protection from the environment. Nails are made harder by liquid Schelokova fibers and keratin, which is in its composition.

• Bitter lacquer provides protection from harmful habits biting nails. Usually it is the color green-transparent, and the taste is very bitter.

• Acrylic hardener - a special lacquer, which helps repair damaged nails.

• Lack chameleon that changes color shades depending on the angle of the nail is considered. His colors of nail polish change in a wide range.

• Lack temperature, changes the color of the nail surface temperature variations.

• Nail creating analog "old china" - cracked surface from time to time.

• Lack watercolor. Its surface is more brilliant than other paints, it looks as if there is very dry. Color has a very soft, gentle, pleasant. It is often used to perform a variety of manicure.

• Cream-lacquer. It includes dense insoluble pigments. Provides for the application of the strips.

• Mica paint. Its surface is rough due to the content in the large-pigments.

• Peel-off nail polish. It can be removed from the nail of one film. The basis of water, containing special polymers. Can not be used for pedicures.

• Luck, you can draw. It is more liquid, but it is more dense. Sold as bottles of different colors, with a special brush inside. With it, you can polish a nail painting with gouache.

Professional make-up. Step by step guide

Perhaps, there is a woman who would not use cosmetics. However, not everyone knows how to use it. Also, in addition, various types of make-up there are so many.

First of all, make-up can be divided into two main categories: professional and done at home. The first type is different from the second to the number of features. Some women think that you can make a professional make-up only with expensive cosmetics brand. But in reality, things are not quite so.

In this article we will tell you how, without the help of professionals to do professional makeup.

To begin, of course, you need to align the various irregularities of the skin, improving its appearance. To do this, the person is required to make healthy, fresh look. This can be done by using detergents: peels and scrubs. They can be purchased in the store, but you can make yourself.

After that, the person can rub an ice cube. This will help you to refresh the face and make it sound healthy and flourishing. You must then proceed to the application base for make-up. To do this, apply nourishing cream or moisturizer (it all depends on your skin type). Then fill in skin roughness correction, which usually contains silicone. It is best applied using a sponge.

At the next stage is to apply foundation and, if you wish, you can also apply a thin layer of powder. On the skin will look very good tonal resources, which contain light-reflecting particles. It would seem that the person is lit from within. To adjust the shape of the face, you should use foundation or powder darker tone. For example, in order to visually make your nose thinner, you can apply a darker foundation on the sides. If it is applied to the tip of the nose, it will visually look shorter.

Professional make-up is different from the usual and their resistance. To lipstick on the lips kept as much as possible the time period, the circuit will have to outline the matching colored pencil, and then, before you apply the lipstick, a little bit of powder.

Often used for eye makeup false eyelashes. Style you can choose. It can be as «smoky eyes», and the arrow will never go out of fashion.