Monday, September 3, 2012

Neurological status


Full name Sick
Marital status:
Time of event:


The weakness in the right hand, blockage of the right hand, the violation of the sensitivity pavoy hand and in the lower third of forearm. Also, the patient complains that his hand is hanging and he can not pick it up.


According to the patient, after a drunk, asleep, leaning on the grid, when I woke up, found the appearance of the above symptoms.

Cerebral symptoms

Consciousness - a clear
Oriented in the environment
Meningeal symptoms - no

Cranial nerves

I. - Smell saved
II. - Without changing the
III. , IV, VI - The width of eye slits - the same on both sides
No ptosis
Strabismus is missing
Gaze paresis not
Movement of the eyeballs in full S = D
The width of the pupils the same on both sides
Anizokariya missing
Pupillary reflexes - saved S = D
Horner's syndrome - no
Arja-Robertson syndrome - no
V. - A). Sensitivity V nerve branches and zones Zeldera saved S = D
Sore points out there is no nerve V S = D
Trigger points are painless S = D
b). Voltage chewing muscles without deviation, no atrophy.
a.) Corneal reflexes saved S = D
Mandibular reflex save S = D
VII. - Symmetrical facial muscles - is proportional to both sides
Mimic the sample normal S = D
Superciliary reflex - saved S = D
VIII. - A). The severity of hearing - in the last year said hearing loss in the right ear
Tinnitus - sometimes in the right ear
b). Dizziness - no
Nystagmus - absent
In the Romberg stable
IX, X. - Ingestion - fully preserved
Phonation - normal. Phonation at soft palate is movable.
Oral automatism reflexes absent
Reflexes from the back of the throat and soft palate are not changed
XI. - Turns heads - normal
Shrug - normal S = D
Muscular strength - no change S = D
Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
XII. - Articulation - compromised by the absence of front teeth
Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
Tongue movement preserved in their entirety

Motor area
External examination: Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
Active movement: - marked paresis of the right hand (the inability extension brush, difficulty bending, the inability of fine movements of fingers, difficulty opposing thumb)
Passive movements: - marked hypotension, muscle hypotrophy right hand (m. flexor carpi radialis, m. Flexor pollicis, m opponens pollicis, m. Palmaris longus, m. Extensor carpi radialis, m. Extensor digitorum, mm. Extensor pollicis), that corresponds to zones innervation of radial and median nerves.
Motor coordination: Statics - saved
Gait: limping on his right leg due to injury
Paltsenosovaya and pyatochnokolennaya sample - saved
Intention - no
Dizmetriya - absent
Adiadohokinez - absent
Asynergy - absent
Hyperkinesis - no
Facial expression in normal


Complaint. Observed violation of pain, temperature, tactile sensitivity in the lateral part of the wrist, the back surface of 1.2, the lateral three fingers, the palm of the hand.
Muscle-joint feeling in fingers, still retained
Complex kinds of sensitivity:
Stereognosis completely preserved S = D
Topognosia present
Two-dimensional spatial sense - saved S = D
Pain points without features
Symptoms of tension and nerve roots - negative


With the biceps tendon - Live S = D
With triceps tendon - Live S = D
Periosteum of the radius - Live S = D
Knee - Live S = D
Achilles - Live S = D
top - live S = D
medium - live S = D
bottom - living S = D
Plantar - live S = D
Babinski - no
Oppenheim - no
Rossolimo - no
Tremnera - no

The pelvic organs

Control of the pelvic organs.

Higher nervous activity

Slurred speech, due to the lack of front teeth
Praxis, gnosis - have not changed.
Agraphia - absent
Account - normally
Memory - is not changed
Intelligence - the same level of development
Criticism to his condition - Adequate
Emotional sphere - normal

Topical diagnosis

Clinically detected evidence of non-robust peripheral paresis of radial and median nerves in the right hand, which is manifested in the motor and sensory disorders (extensor weakness of the right hand, the weakness of the flexor wrist and fingers, malnutrition tenor difficulty opposing thumb, reduction of pain, temperature, tactile sensitivity on the lateral part of the wrist, the back surface of the 1, 2, lateral part of the three fingers, the palm of the hand.

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