Many have heard of the ancient Chinese medicine, as well as its remarkable therapeutic results, however, few people know that, for example, acupuncture is today considered one of the most effective treatments for the many hidden and even pathological diseases. In view of such possibilities of acupuncture, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the medical procedure is gaining popularity at a frantic pace and is accessible to millions of interested around the world, with almost no restrictions on age. There are entire medical centers and health centers that specialize solely on this form of treatment and prevention, and they had no shortage of patients. So is this a clever medicine and you need to know about it to us, ordinary common people who want to try it out for yourself the miraculous power? This was short and to discuss in this article.
Omniscient-Chinese healers claim that the human body is more than a thousand points, which are biologically active and are responsible for many functions in the body. If absolutely accurately know where these points are the most and still know how to influence them, it is easily possible to control many internal processes, running them or suspending, as well as killing the germ hotbeds of many serious diseases. Acupuncture is especially useful for all kinds of pain, such as headaches and teeth, as well as dorsal, lumbar, joint and menstrual. In addition, acupuncture is used to reduce the pain sensation in colitis, arthritis and polyarthritis. Just give in acupuncture treatment of various kinds depending on alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, overeating and others. And the help of this ancient medicine resort in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, all kinds of eye diseases (cataract, myopia, inflammation of the mucous membrane), as well as in diseases of the oral cavity. But this list of diseases treatable by acupuncture, not the end, as well as acupuncture before retreating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sciatica, various inflammations of the respiratory, digestive dysfunction, all kinds of neuralgia - and many, many other misfortunes.
However, it is understood that acupuncture - this is not a panacea for all ills, and it can give its best results only in conjunction with medication therapy, all kinds of physical therapy and massage therapy techniques. True, and there are many cases in medical practice, the patient completely recovered from the disease by the use of only one acupuncture. In general, of course, such treatment can not be limited to one session of acupuncture. Usually assigned a course of procedures, the number of which can be up to twenty or more. The required number of sessions, their sequence and frequency set by the attending acupuncturist, because only he can know exactly how intensive treatment to his patient.
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