Harvard researchers suggest that the risk of heart disease, blood group guided by an individual. Of their study showed that individuals with the II-nd, III-IV-and her second blood groups have a higher risk of developing heart disease, rather than the owners of I-th group of blood. However, experts say that each of us can resist this genetic predisposition, if prefer a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, adequate physical activity, careful monitoring of blood pressure levels and cholesterol, and body mass.
Said senior researcher, assistant professor of nutrition Dr. Lu Qi: "Our findings about the importance of blood as one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease will be very useful for doctors. While we continue to recommend a healthy life to all, but persons with "risky" blood group should pay more attention to their health, so that reduce the risks. "
Research reports were published on 14 August in the current issue of the journal "Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology." In fairness it should be noted that, despite the existence of a definite connection between blood type and the risk of heart disease, It is a cause and effect relationship has not yet been established.
For the research of Qi Lu and colleagues selected data on 60,000 women who took part in a famous study on the health of nurses, as well as the 17,000 people who took part in such a large-scale study on the health of health workers. All participants were aged 30 to 75 years. In total, their observation was conducted over more than 20 years.
The researchers found that the risk of heart disease in patients with IV-oh - nairedchayshey - blood group by 23% compared with people with I-th blood type. In patients with II-nd group of blood that risk was higher by 11%, from the III-rd - 5%.
For the record: IV-th group of blood are only 7% of Americans, while the I-th - the most common - about 43%.
For reasons of clarity the researchers separately account for the effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease factors such as diet, age, sex, race, smoking, menopause, and history of other diseases. Participants in the study belonged mostly to the white race, so do not know whether you can use the results of the study in relation to other races.
Experts noted that the study proved the link between II-nd group of blood and a higher level of low density lipoprotein (so-called "bad" cholesterol). A nd I-blood group includes factors that contribute to optimizing blood flow and prevents thrombosis.
Dr. Greg Fonarou, professor of cardiology at the University of California nothing surprised: "The relationship between the risk of developing heart disease and II-IV blood groups was observed in the past. This connection can be realized through a variety of mechanisms. Key factors for thrombosis and a higher level of cholesterol are characteristic of people with different I-oh blood groups. The severity of inflammation and immune responses also vary depending on the blood group. " However, according to the scientist, much more to the risk of cardiovascular disease than the blood, to make such factors as age, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and other traditional factors, on which it is necessary first of all to focus medics .
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