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Sunday, September 9, 2012

What if the condom breaks?

Condoms Condom is one of the most reliable ways to avoid early pregnancy, as well as to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, but in reality no one is safe from that condoms can break at the most inopportune moment. At such a time, especially young couples, begins uncontrollable panic. But the most important thing is that once the condom broke, then do not panic, most importantly to pull yourself together and calmly deal with the problem.

Risk assessment of conception.
How to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
How to protect yourself from STDs.
How to avoid a gap in the condom.

Risk assessment of conception after condom breaking.

The first thing to do - is to determine the time when the condom broke, to assess the possible risks of conception. If you have noticed a gap in the condom after the occurrence of ejaculation, then the risk of unwanted pregnancy is very high. And if you find a gap in the condom before ejaculation, the risk of getting pregnant is very low, but is yet to take into account that during sex is allocated a number of seminal fluid, which can lead to conception.

Another point, which can also be taken into account - this is a condom with spermicidal lubricant. Spermicidal lubricant can kill sperm, which naturally reduces the risk of pregnancy after a condom broke. But on the more efficient yet not count.

One of the highlights is the day in which the sex. During the menstrual cycle, there are "safe days", during which the chances of pregnancy tend to zero. Another is called the calendar method. Use this method as a method of contraception is not recommended, but to assess risk of unwanted pregnancy, when the condom breaks, you can use it. According to the calendar method is that the most "safe days" (the probability of conception is minimal) - is 5 days before your period and 5 days after.

What should you do if the condom broke, to avoid pregnancy.

Once you evaluate all the possibilities of pregnancy, and must take the necessary measures to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

The first thing to note - is that douching (washing the vaginal walls with special chemical. Solutions) does not give good results of protection against pregnancy. She simply could not make it in time to perform the procedure, so do not use irrigation, as post-coital contraception.

And so, what can really help when the condom broke.

Postinor. Hormonal contraceptive last generation, which is very harmful to women. Effectiveness depends on the time you take the pill. Europe has long been banned, but Russia remains the most common drug for emergency contraception, although it was a long time there is almost harmless counterparts. You should not take more than 2 times a year, especially for girls under 18.

Mifegin (Mifepristone). The drug, which is employed to medication (without surgery) termination of pregnancy up to 49 days. Also used as a postcoital contraceptive after unprotected sexual intercourse. Use of the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor - a gynecologist.

Eskapel (Escapelle). The drug is effective for emergency contraception within 96 of unprotected sexual intercourse. The earlier the pill is adopted, the more effective will be its effect.

Ginepriston or Agest. Modern postcoital contraceptive. Compared with other drugs, especially with Postinor, less harmful to women's health. Unlike other means of emergency contraception does not contain hormonal components, and acts preferentially on receptors in the uterus and ovaries. Effective within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.

I want to add that if you have sex with condom breakage occurred, it is not worth doing syringing, and also immediately run to the drugstore. In any case, we first need to see a gynecologist, the doctor is able to effectively and correctly to help you solve problems
How not to get infected with an STD at break condoms.

After the "failure" of condom also exists the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. More dangerous sex with strangers or unfamiliar person. To diseases STDs include various sexually transmitted diseases and infections (genital herpes, chlamydia, HIV - infection).

So, what to do immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse:

First - you need to go to the toilet and urinate profusely to wash most of the bacteria. Next, clean the hands and genitals with soap and water, women also need to perform irrigation (use water with an antiseptic, such as potassium permanganate). Be sure to treat genital antiseptic agent, such as betadine or miramistin, but not later than 2 hours after intercourse. A man should treat the penis, penis, scrotum, pubis and inner thighs. Women must first enter the vagina candle betadine, and external genitals, pubic area and inner thighs treated betadine solution. After these procedures do not forget to consult a doctor. Should not themselves assign different antibiotics and other drugs. In any case, you will need to seek help from a doctor - dermatologist, as well as pass all the necessary tests.

A few tips on how to avoid condom breakage.

Do not buy condoms in a dubious sources, as well as looking at the expiration date.

Do not use two condoms. (Between them is friction and increases the risk of rupture).

Follow the instructions on the packaging of condoms.

Use grease only water or silicone based.

Why is allergic to flowers spread

When allergic to flowers come? The human body can often fix the excess of any substance. Statistics disappointing: over 40% of people inhabiting the planet suffer from allergies - not just the flowers.

Flowers and Your Allergies

Each of us has ever met a person who can not stand down, or simply begins to sneeze on a summer day. A change of scene - say, she left for a business trip - he suddenly "recover."

It is believed that the disease is hereditary. The body is very sensitive to any substance. Twig allergy can be considered relatively safe, although it is insidious. What is the danger?
Allergies to foods;
Of drugs;
To dust mites


How do you know you have allergies? This is not only breathing problems. With such allergies appear redness. Even mucosa undergoes complex rashes. This skin dermatoses. He also accompanied by nausea, fever, diarrhea in children manifest. By pollen hay fever occurs - it is the very condition of the throat, sneezing, etc. Barking cough is a sign of bronchospasm. Characterized by dyspnea, up to an asthmatic attack. There are more serious symptoms - such as pulmonary edema.

How to treat different types of allergies? The first thing to get rid of the allergen. We need to remove not only flowers, but also things that could peel off their pollen. Often recommend specific immunotherapy - in this case, the causative allergen repeatedly injected into the body. There and medications - drugs administered to the patient suffered from fewer symptoms. Allergic to flowers so characterized.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How smoking affects the fetus of pregnant

Everyone knows that the mother, fetus and placenta - a single organism, as a result, pregnant women smoking has a negative impact in the form of various disorders developing during pregnancy and abnormalities in the fetus.

If smoking an ordinary person - this is only a bad habit, smoking pregnant women - it is a habit that kills nascent life. Smoking pregnant baby leaves absolutely no choice - from the harm caused by the mother will not protect even the placenta. After the embryo goes through all the mother's blood, hence the concentration of harmful substances in the clear body of the child is not less than that of the mother.

Smoking pregnant systematically denies full access of oxygen to organs of the child. And since the most sensitive to this his reproductive system was born, he was doomed to experience problems in their own reproductive system. Moreover, the most affected boys.

Extent of the problems do not depend on the number of cigarettes smoked a woman.

As a result of smoking during pregnancy: risk of placental abruption is 65 percent compared to non-smoking women, increases the frequency of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, increasing the percentage of low birth-weight children with a high probability of low birth weight infant at birth. In addition, newborns reduced adaptive capacity, increasing the risk of disease and the development of birth defects; worsens their physical and mental development.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Briefly about acupuncture

Many have heard of the ancient Chinese medicine, as well as its remarkable therapeutic results, however, few people know that, for example, acupuncture is today considered one of the most effective treatments for the many hidden and even pathological diseases. In view of such possibilities of acupuncture, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the medical procedure is gaining popularity at a frantic pace and is accessible to millions of interested around the world, with almost no restrictions on age. There are entire medical centers and health centers that specialize solely on this form of treatment and prevention, and they had no shortage of patients. So is this a clever medicine and you need to know about it to us, ordinary common people who want to try it out for yourself the miraculous power? This was short and to discuss in this article.

Omniscient-Chinese healers claim that the human body is more than a thousand points, which are biologically active and are responsible for many functions in the body. If absolutely accurately know where these points are the most and still know how to influence them, it is easily possible to control many internal processes, running them or suspending, as well as killing the germ hotbeds of many serious diseases. Acupuncture is especially useful for all kinds of pain, such as headaches and teeth, as well as dorsal, lumbar, joint and menstrual. In addition, acupuncture is used to reduce the pain sensation in colitis, arthritis and polyarthritis. Just give in acupuncture treatment of various kinds depending on alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, overeating and others. And the help of this ancient medicine resort in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, all kinds of eye diseases (cataract, myopia, inflammation of the mucous membrane), as well as in diseases of the oral cavity. But this list of diseases treatable by acupuncture, not the end, as well as acupuncture before retreating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sciatica, various inflammations of the respiratory, digestive dysfunction, all kinds of neuralgia - and many, many other misfortunes.

However, it is understood that acupuncture - this is not a panacea for all ills, and it can give its best results only in conjunction with medication therapy, all kinds of physical therapy and massage therapy techniques. True, and there are many cases in medical practice, the patient completely recovered from the disease by the use of only one acupuncture. In general, of course, such treatment can not be limited to one session of acupuncture. Usually assigned a course of procedures, the number of which can be up to twenty or more. The required number of sessions, their sequence and frequency set by the attending acupuncturist, because only he can know exactly how intensive treatment to his patient.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nymphomania - hypersexuality in women.

Nymphs of the woman who like a "hurricane" in bed and are always ready to give sexual desires, dreams almost every man in the world. But few men think about the fact that this uncontrolled activity of sex is called nymphomania disease. Nymphomania - a form of hypersexuality in women. Nymphomaniac - a woman suffering from an increased sex drive. According to the statistics of 2500 women found one female nymphomaniac. In men, there is a related disease associated with an increased sex drive - satiriazis.

Nymphomaniac - women who are exposed to the strong sexual desire, as well as in women with hypersexuality increased ability to obtain orgasm. There are cases where a woman can get 20 orgasms in one night, can also increase and duration of orgasm to 1 hour or more. Such women are relentless pursuit of new and new sexual contacts, and often it is not the purpose of orgasm as the sexual contact. Therefore nymphomaniac very often, do not get satisfaction from one partner change their sexual partners. Whatever the disease seems simple, but actually nymphomania - is a serious disease, which affects everything. Previously, women increased sexual attraction to investigators such diseases as rabies uterus. But at present, rabies uterus - is obsolete in medicine diagnosis, because there is a more accurate classification of diseases.
Causes of hypersexuality in women.

1. Very often the cause of increased sex drive in women is a psychological disease (hysteria with gipertimicheskimi symptoms, psychosis, manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia).

2. Blood-vascular brain damage or injury of the brain. (Stroke, injury, etc.)

3. Various diseases of the ovaries or the pituitary gland.

4. Another, but rare cause greatly increased sexual activity becomes a hormonal malfunction in the body.

Here are the most common and major causes of gipreseksualnosti women. But there are a few rare causes of increased sexual desire. Sometimes it happens that cause increased libido can pregnancy, medication, or tight clothing. No wonder women in ancient times wearing tight corsets, considered loving. Teenage girls can also suffer nymphomania. The cause of all is the fact that the parents of a child paid little attention to the heat and my daughter, and he grew up a little bit, looking for the missing teen love sex. At the time of menopause in women is possible temporary increase in sexual desire, but it usually does not last long. A culprit is hormones that are produced during menopause.
How to cure nymphomania in women.

The first thing to understand - is that a high libido should be distinguished from nymphomania. The fact that a woman, whether a temporary increase in libido or from birth, most importantly if it can maintain control over their behavior and actions, it would be wrong to assume that it seksogolichkoy. Nympho same - a woman who can not support themselves control and restrain their sexual needs. And if you feel that your sexual desires prevail over you, you can go to the doctor-sexologist. He then determines the correct diagnosis, can you even do not have any diseases, and your health is normal.

And lastly I want to say that our society has not yet learned to look seriously at the issue of health. If someone will fall woman - a nymphomaniac, it immediately begin to humiliate and call different offensive words, forgetting that she just needs help. Therefore, sexologists less frequently by women who suffer from this disease, they are afraid that someone will know about it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fish oil helps to preserve vision in old age

Loss of vision due to aging, can potentially be prevented one of the omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil and has very sophisticated name: dokosa-geksaenovaya acid (DHA). A recent study published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal "Research ophthalmology and science of vision", showed that the experimental mice receiving dietary DHA does not accumulate toxins that cause age-related retinal. Thus, using this discovery, can prevent senile blindness.

Professor Yves Owls (Yves Sauve) and colleagues from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, said: "Our findings may have very broad therapeutic applications. With age, as a rule, the amount of toxins in the retina, which causes degeneration of her doubles. But when we conducted laboratory experiments on mice, no increase in toxins were noted. This study - absolutely unique, never before proposing that the diet based on DHA can produce a similar effect. "

Researchers do not rest on our laurels. Currently, they are studying the problem of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is, in fact, the main cause of vision loss and those aged over 50. Scientists study the blood of people with AMD in the presence of DHA-markers to answer the main question: whether people with certain genetic markers, to better respond to more DHA in their diet than the other, and what are the causes and mechanisms underlying this phenomenon.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Neurological status


Full name Sick
Marital status:
Time of event:


The weakness in the right hand, blockage of the right hand, the violation of the sensitivity pavoy hand and in the lower third of forearm. Also, the patient complains that his hand is hanging and he can not pick it up.


According to the patient, after a drunk, asleep, leaning on the grid, when I woke up, found the appearance of the above symptoms.

Cerebral symptoms

Consciousness - a clear
Oriented in the environment
Meningeal symptoms - no

Cranial nerves

I. - Smell saved
II. - Without changing the
III. , IV, VI - The width of eye slits - the same on both sides
No ptosis
Strabismus is missing
Gaze paresis not
Movement of the eyeballs in full S = D
The width of the pupils the same on both sides
Anizokariya missing
Pupillary reflexes - saved S = D
Horner's syndrome - no
Arja-Robertson syndrome - no
V. - A). Sensitivity V nerve branches and zones Zeldera saved S = D
Sore points out there is no nerve V S = D
Trigger points are painless S = D
b). Voltage chewing muscles without deviation, no atrophy.
a.) Corneal reflexes saved S = D
Mandibular reflex save S = D
VII. - Symmetrical facial muscles - is proportional to both sides
Mimic the sample normal S = D
Superciliary reflex - saved S = D
VIII. - A). The severity of hearing - in the last year said hearing loss in the right ear
Tinnitus - sometimes in the right ear
b). Dizziness - no
Nystagmus - absent
In the Romberg stable
IX, X. - Ingestion - fully preserved
Phonation - normal. Phonation at soft palate is movable.
Oral automatism reflexes absent
Reflexes from the back of the throat and soft palate are not changed
XI. - Turns heads - normal
Shrug - normal S = D
Muscular strength - no change S = D
Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
XII. - Articulation - compromised by the absence of front teeth
Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
Tongue movement preserved in their entirety

Motor area
External examination: Atrophy - no
Fibrillation - no
Active movement: - marked paresis of the right hand (the inability extension brush, difficulty bending, the inability of fine movements of fingers, difficulty opposing thumb)
Passive movements: - marked hypotension, muscle hypotrophy right hand (m. flexor carpi radialis, m. Flexor pollicis, m opponens pollicis, m. Palmaris longus, m. Extensor carpi radialis, m. Extensor digitorum, mm. Extensor pollicis), that corresponds to zones innervation of radial and median nerves.
Motor coordination: Statics - saved
Gait: limping on his right leg due to injury
Paltsenosovaya and pyatochnokolennaya sample - saved
Intention - no
Dizmetriya - absent
Adiadohokinez - absent
Asynergy - absent
Hyperkinesis - no
Facial expression in normal


Complaint. Observed violation of pain, temperature, tactile sensitivity in the lateral part of the wrist, the back surface of 1.2, the lateral three fingers, the palm of the hand.
Muscle-joint feeling in fingers, still retained
Complex kinds of sensitivity:
Stereognosis completely preserved S = D
Topognosia present
Two-dimensional spatial sense - saved S = D
Pain points without features
Symptoms of tension and nerve roots - negative


With the biceps tendon - Live S = D
With triceps tendon - Live S = D
Periosteum of the radius - Live S = D
Knee - Live S = D
Achilles - Live S = D
top - live S = D
medium - live S = D
bottom - living S = D
Plantar - live S = D
Babinski - no
Oppenheim - no
Rossolimo - no
Tremnera - no

The pelvic organs

Control of the pelvic organs.

Higher nervous activity

Slurred speech, due to the lack of front teeth
Praxis, gnosis - have not changed.
Agraphia - absent
Account - normally
Memory - is not changed
Intelligence - the same level of development
Criticism to his condition - Adequate
Emotional sphere - normal

Topical diagnosis

Clinically detected evidence of non-robust peripheral paresis of radial and median nerves in the right hand, which is manifested in the motor and sensory disorders (extensor weakness of the right hand, the weakness of the flexor wrist and fingers, malnutrition tenor difficulty opposing thumb, reduction of pain, temperature, tactile sensitivity on the lateral part of the wrist, the back surface of the 1, 2, lateral part of the three fingers, the palm of the hand.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Five-second rule" - a myth!

"It would be much better if the people who hold the" Rules of five seconds, "follow the rule of" Damage - throw away "- said Dr. George Parada, head of programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, Loyola University, Maywood, Illinois, the (' five-second rule "- the American idiom, means something like" what is quickly raised, is not considered fallen "- approx. per.).
... Once fallen thing for dirty surfaces, it collects on itself all the surrounding bacteria.

Parade cautions that, once fallen thing for dirty surfaces, it collects on itself all the surrounding bacteria: "Fallen object immediately contaminated and no longer subject to further complete disinfection. The quantitative and qualitative composition of contaminating microorganisms depends on the object and uronennogo place where he fell. " The scientist added that if the object is washed with water, you can remove some of the bacteria, but completely clear it is hardly possible.

By clearing the fallen stuff in any case does not mean it licks, which is a bad habit of some individuals. "Thus, to apply double damage - said the parade - you are exposed to the bacteria in the first place itself, plus everything you add to the fallen object is and its bacteria. From such carelessness nobody will win. "

However, Parade notes that there are different levels of bacterial contamination. Much depends on the specific circumstances. For example, potato chips, which fell on a relatively clean table and immediately raised, collect fewer germs on themselves, as if he had fallen on the floor and lain there for a while.

Some objects can accumulate to a large amount of bacteria. "For example, the fallen candy is less susceptible to contamination than a piece of cheese," - said the parade, which, incidentally, is also a professor in the School of Medicine of Loyola.
Some people believe that in the microbial contamination has its advantages: it allows a person to improve their immune system.

Some people believe that in the microbial contamination has its advantages: it allows a person to improve their immune system. In this thesis, of course, there is a robust grain, but Parade advises not to expose themselves to unnecessary risk, "Yes, conducted research supporting the value of the impact of bacteria on the body of the child in the most important period of its development. But it concerned microbial contamination typical of everyday life (the air you breathe, mother's arms, etc.), and was not related to the conscious infected themselves known microbes. This may not be an option of forming the protective systems of the organism. Since you want to take care of yourself and put a barrier to disease, spurring the immune system, the best choice - proper nutrition, physical activity and sleep. And do not forget to immunizations. "